They are our strength, the means of conveying our veggie products to as many households as possible and ensure a diet that is tasty, healthy and respectful of both the Planet and animals
Our flagship BIO brand, has more than seventy references of organic vegetable products and offers a tasty, healthy, varied diet that respects the environment. This brand since its birth has fit mainly with the vegan and vegetarian sector, and time has consolidated its growth in this sector

Very Meatty
Biosurya has launched a new family of customer-oriented, omnivorous and flexitarian plant products, that is, those people who have decided to moderate or reduce their consumption of meat / fish in favor of plant foods that resemble those of animal origin. VeryMeatty is the option that, without giving up the pleasure of taste and texture reminiscent of meat, helps them in that transition for personal care and the environment. In this way Biosurya expands its range of products, juicy and with very careful recipes, to cover new needs and without renouncing the heart of our philosophy: the pleasure of eating should not be a renunciation of health care and the environment.